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6 Key Reasons Not to Quit Your Job Even if You Hate It

We've all been there – the feeling of dread when Sunday evening rolls around and the realization hits that it's time to go back to a job you despise. While it may be tempting to throw in the towel and quit, there are several compelling reasons why staying put might (...)

Video Conferencing Tips for Job Interviews and Meetings

Although lockdown restrictions are beginning to lift, video conferencing is still going to be part of our lives. Businesses still have employees working from home, and this isn’t set to change anytime soon.  With this in mind, let’s look at video conferencing tips that will help you when in meetings, and indeed (...)

Leadership in Lockdown: How are you handling it?

Covid-19 lockdown is still with us, and there can be no denying that the business and economic landscape is deteriorating. In the UK, around 10% of businesses have vanished, and this figure, once revised, will be higher. Richard Branson has appealed for government help for Virgin Atlantic, one of Britain’s biggest brands. Part (...)

Keep Your Job Searching Skills Sharp During Lockdown

Although the Covid-19 lockdown is affecting everything in different ways, it is conversely creating opportunities, especially at the senior executive level. Most employees across the world have been told to stay home. Some are working remotely, but others are not. The economic damage caused by the decision to keep everyone (...)

Keeping Teams Productive and Active During Coronavirus Lockdown

Working from home, which for many is the dream, is now enforced worldwide. The shock of the COVID-19 lockdown and new measures that restrict travel and trade have forced many of you to work from home. Although you lack the collaboration offered by working in an office, it is still (...)
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