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How to Build an Authentic Personal Brand on LinkedIn

Many professionals hesitate to share their professional stories or views because they fear they’re not “interesting” enough. They’ve been told by LinkedIn “gurus” that to gain attention, they must be controversial or dramatic – normal is supposedly boring. I disagree. I’ve met many of these so-called experts who insist that my approach of educating through my writing is not entertaining enough. But authenticity matters more. Your genuine professional journey, with its successes, lessons, and insights, is valuable. You don’t need controversy to make an impact; you need honesty and relevance.

LinkedIn, for example, is a powerful platform for showcasing your professional brand, but it’s not about becoming someone you’re not—authenticity is key. Building your personal brand means aligning your online presence with your true professional expertise and values. Whether you’re a content manager, a senior executive, or any other professional, it’s crucial to share insights directly related to your field.

For instance, as a Content Manager, you could share articles about industry trends, debunk myths, or provide valuable client solutions. As a senior executive specializing in mergers and acquisitions, you could write about real-world experiences—what has worked, what hasn’t, and best practices for success. Authenticity means using your profile as a platform to discuss your professional challenges and victories, offering followers a genuine look into your expertise.

Avoid generic, AI-generated tips or the advice of so-called LinkedIn “gurus” who recommend being controversial or oversharing personal stories just to gain visibility. Instead, focus on showcasing successful stories from your career and demonstrating the value you bring. Your content should provide meaningful takeaways and reflect your professional journey rather than fitting someone else’s narrative.

Tips for Building an Authentic LinkedIn Presence:

  1. Showcase Your Achievements: Turn your profile into a professional portfolio by sharing real examples of your work and the results you’ve achieved.
  2. Gather Genuine Testimonials: Seek endorsements from a diverse group of colleagues, managers, and even suppliers to build credibility and authenticity.
  3. Create Value-Driven Content: Focus on delivering insights and advice that directly benefit your network. Avoid flashy, irrelevant posts; instead, stick to topics you know and care about.
  4. Work with a Trusted Career Coach: Find a mentor who understands your goals and helps build a brand that is true to you, not one that conforms to their own agenda. Your profile should be an authentic reflection of your ambitions and professional value.

Are you ready to make a change and build a LinkedIn presence that reflects who you truly are? Let’s work together to create a personal brand that will open doors for new opportunities and connections. Get in touch today—let’s start building your authentic LinkedIn brand!

Join me for a virtual coffee here. See you!

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